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Team Overview: AP-CCB Junior Devo p/b Corner Cycle

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Team Race History csv | json

Midnight Ride of CX (Sep 15 2024)

Eamon Miller Men Cat 4/5 8 / 30
Elena Svenstrup Women Cat 1/2/3 8 / 12

Pain in the Neck (Sep 14 2024)

Eamon Miller Men Open Cat 4/5 16 / 46

Mansfield Hollow Cyclocross presents Damned at the Dam (Sep 8 2024)

Liam Goff Cat 3/4 5 / 30
Elena Svenstrup Women Cat 1/2/3 1 / 7

NCC Hydra Cross p/b Speed and Sprocket Cycle Works (Sep 1 2024)

Elena Svenstrup Women Cat 1/2/3 13 / 16

Busiest Racers

in last months
Elena Svenstrup 3
Eamon Miller 2
Liam Goff 1